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Rods – Co-payments and Deductibles

Rods – Co-payments and Deductibles
· Formulary drug program with surcharge98-01398-01402-002 CA-056CA-072 
· HMO enrolleesQ&A 81-63
· Home health nurse visits,Q&A 81-56
· Individuals changing status,Q&A 81-58
· Insulin,Q&A 81-64
· Laboratory and x-ray servicesQ&A 81-52CA-062 
· Lump sum health care payment93-03102-017 
· Mail-order88-613
     –maintenance prescription drugs, CA-06602-001
· Medicare-eligible beneficiaries (Part B deductible)78-10202-026,CA-07411-0149 
· Obstetrical delivery services,Q&A 81-51
· Pernicious anemia injections,78-197
· Pharmacy, network88-613
· Physician visits during hospitalization,Q&A 81-5078-06181-08588-493
· PPL-employer does not establish93-035
· Prescription drugs,Q&A 81-53Q&A 81-5488-322CA-097 
· Primaries, two under same plan,Q&A 81-59
· Reimbursement procedures,78-02878-13284-042CA-074 
· Responsibility of employee,81-57384-41388-440
· Schedule of 12-month periods,81-087
· Substandard health coverage plan81-42684-03084-03484-12584-14784-14884-16284-17884-20584-29084-41284-55384-54784-63288-03488-14688-23588-27888-27988-32688-33388-34488-43188-581
· Surgery,Q&A 81-57
· Transfer of copayment between employers during plan year78-23181-53888-35488-733
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